Design for Manufacturability is difficult.

Design for Manufacturability is difficult.

Design for Manufacturability is difficult.

Don’t believe us? The following part looks ready to be machined right? Go ahead and analyse it with effio AI

Don’t believe us? The following part looks ready to be machined right? Go ahead and analyse it with effio AI

Don’t believe us? The following part looks ready to be machined right? Go ahead and analyse it with effio AI

Analyse Part

Potential to split part

Hole diameter is too small

Sharp internal corners

Thin features subject to vibration

External fillets

Analyse Part

⁠⁠Sharp internal corners are not achievable

Slight reduction in part height enables use of smaller stock

External fillets add significant tooling time

Hole diameter is too small for chosen titanium grade

Thin walls are susceptible to vibration, reducing quality

Hardware is Unproductive.

Hardware is Unproductive.

Engineers spend a lot of time reworking their designs due to manufacturability issues, which are detected quite late in the design process. Bad designs are followed by inefficient workarounds, ultimately leading to high costs and delays.

Engineers spend a lot of time reworking their designs due to manufacturability issues, which are detected quite late in the design process. Bad designs are followed by inefficient workarounds, ultimately leading to high costs and delays.

Design Cycles

Disconnected From

Plenty Other

Manufacturability Issues Can Slow Down Design Cycles

Design faults can lead to a waste of time making revisions and increase the number of prototyping cycles.

effio makes sure that manufacturability is considered throughout the design process, reducing the scope of issues found later in the process.

Presenting effio

Presenting effio

CAD Inputs

effio integrates directly in common mechanical design software. The user is regularly reminded to audit their current design, providing a button to export with one click.

CAD Summary

A quick summary can be viewed directly on the CAD software. The user can obtain port their CAD to effio with a click of a button.

Advance Inputs

In effio’s dedicated software, the user can provide (optional) context that

results in more targeted and insightful feedback.

Part Overview

After effio’s novel geometric analysis and feedback, the user will be given high-level statistics and scores that allow for quick judgement on how ‘good’ the part is.

Feature Specific Analysis

The user can then explore specific issues, features, and mitigation strategies in the dedicated effio platform.

CAD Inputs

effio integrates directly in common mechanical design software. The user is regularly reminded to audit their current design, providing a button to export with one click.

CAD Summary

A quick summary can be viewed directly on the CAD software. The user can obtain port their CAD to effio with a click of a button.

Advance Inputs

In effio’s dedicated software, the user can provide (optional) context that results in more targeted and insightful feedback.

Part Overview

After effio’s novel geometric analysis and feedback, the user will be given high-level statistics and scores that allow for quick judgement on how ‘good’ the part is.

Feature Specific Analysis

The user can then explore specific issues, features, and mitigation strategies in the dedicated effio platform.

Manufacturing Processes

Manufacturing Processes

effio supports a wide range of metal and polymer manufacturing processes.

effio supports a wide range of metal and polymer manufacturing processes.

CNC Machining

Injection Moulding

Die Casting

Available Now

Coming Soon

CNC Machining

Available Now

Coming Soon

Injection Moulding

Die Casting

Key Summary Scores

Key Summary Scores

The effio plugin allows you to view essential scores relating to your part. Use them to make iterative changes and improve your designs.

The effio plugin allows you to view essential scores relating to your part. Use them to make iterative changes and improve your designs.

Manufacturing Cost

Get gives you a costing overview and the ability to track your iterations

Embodied CO2

Know the total carbon footprint of your part up until the manufacturing process.


Go beyond geometric checks to evaluate your design and give a score.

Ease of Fixes

A percentage score telling you how easy it is to save costs and rework.

Measurement Score

Find out how easy it is to test if part is in specification

Model Confidence

The proprietary model provides a score for it's own analysis, giving you the control.

Manufacturing Cost

Get gives you a costing overview and the ability to track your iterations

Manufacturing Cost

Get gives you a costing overview and the ability to track your iterations

Embodied CO2

Know the total carbon footprint of your part up until the manufacturing process.

Embodied CO2

Know the total carbon footprint of your part up until the manufacturing process.


Go beyond geometric checks to evaluate your design and give a score.


Go beyond geometric checks to evaluate your design and give a score.

Ease of Fixes

A percentage score telling you how easy it is to save costs and rework.

Ease of Fixes

A percentage score telling you how easy it is to save costs and rework.

Measurement Score

Find out how easy it is to test if part is in specification

Measurement Score

Find out how easy it is to test if part is in specification

Model Confidence

The proprietary model provides a score for it's own analysis, giving you the control.

Model Confidence

The proprietary model provides a score for it's own analysis, giving you the control.

On Your Go-To CAD Software

The effio plug-in will be available in all major CAD software. This allows seamless integration and no disruption to your preferred design methodology.

On Your Go-To CAD Software

The effio plug-in will be available in all major CAD software. This allows seamless integration and no disruption to your preferred design methodology.

The Best in Town

The Best in Town

effio surpasses all existing manufacturing analysis software used by engineers today. It is the all-encompassing tool to streamline your design process, without disturbing your workflow.

Cost Analysis

Rule Based Checks

Intuitive UI

Check Prompts

Expert Inputs

CAD Integration

Cost Analysis

Rule Checks

Intuitive UI

Check Prompts

Expert Inputs

CAD Integration

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Get in touch with the team!

Which industries does effio target?
How does effio detect manufacturability issues?
Does effio suggest ways of fixing issues it identifies?
How long does effio’s analysis take?
Does effio support assembly-related insights and challenges?
How does effio ensure its suggestions are accurate?

Contact Us!

We would love to speak to individuals and enterprises interested in effio. Please fill the form and our team will respond within 24 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Get in touch with the team!

Which industries does effio target?
How does effio detect manufacturability issues?
Does effio suggest ways of fixing issues it identifies?
How long does effio’s analysis take?
Does effio support assembly-related insights and challenges?
How does effio ensure its suggestions are accurate?
Which industries does effio target?
How does effio detect manufacturability issues?
Does effio suggest ways of fixing issues it identifies?
How long does effio’s analysis take?
Does effio support assembly-related insights and challenges?
How does effio ensure its suggestions are accurate?

Contact Us!

We would love to speak to individuals and enterprises interested in effio. Please fill the form and our team will respond within 24 hours.