Business Model and CAC

Page directory

Pricing strategy

Unit economics

References and Evidence

Overview of channels

Deployment of customer acquisition channels


Standard license

Billed monthly at £56 /seat

A flexible license built for startups

Monthly pricing to reduce upfront investment

Access to professional DFM capabilities at a fraction of the cost

Competitive pricing for larger companies

Yearly licenses and unlimited seats to enable large-scale DFM transformation within the company

Costs 1/4th of a professional CAD license

Managers can make up upfront costs within 3 days

Similar costs to DFM courses but with more value


Plus license

Billed annually

Pricing strategy

Unit economics

Deployment of Customer Acquisition Channels

Accelerators and Makerspaces are prioritised before pre-seed funding is raised due to their low costs

Community events drive significant traction but are expensive to book the venue

Influencer marketing is more unpredictable and expensive, and hence is used after seed-funding is raised

Founder-led sales

Expected customer traction

2 /month

1,114 contacted /month

~200 unique companies

x 3% respond

x 70% shown demo

x 44% purchase

Increase to 3 /month in Y3 due to increased brand reputation







Outreach on LinkedIn, email, and follow-ups from in-person events

Demos are scheduled if required, and based on current most-developed prototype

Next steps

Continue startup outreach

Shortlist target events


Kartal C. (Systems Engineer, Osler Diagnostics): Through cold outreach, agreed for us to test on parts

Ben T. (Design and Manufacturing Engineer: Naiad Aqua Systems): Signed letter of intent to run beta test [Fig 1]

Lionel G. (General Manager, CMR Surgicals): Internal review to team members and contact [Fig 2]

Costs (excl. salary)

Increase to £870 /month for LinkedIn Sales and increased budget to also attend conferences in Y3

£29.99 LinkedIn Premium

+ £200 per month on local hardware-based events

£230 /month






Expected customer traction

Costs (excl. salary)

1 /event

15 startups /accelerator

4 are relevant

x 43% beta test

x 31% purchase

Highly variable on accelerator and demographics of accelerator, average between 4 accelerators taken and modelled in finances






Decrease to £12 /event due to reuse of assets

Partner with accelerators and run DFM workshops with their startups

Target TRL 3+ startups looking towards manufacturing their prototypes

Greenhouse from Undaunted willing to share our materials with their current startups [Fig 3]

CRL accelerator has invited us for their demo day to gain insights from their companies [Fig 4]

£6 transport for total journey

£20 for printing visual assets and brochures

£26 /event

Next steps

Attend demo day of CRL accelerator

Send DfM guides and advertisements to startups in Greenhouse

Reach out to Future Worlds and MedTech Superconnector to partner






Expected user traction

Costs (excl. salary)

2 /makerspace

500 users in newsletter

x 4% visit website

x 44% will request demo

x 20% will purchase

Increase to 4 /makerspace in Y2 due to increased brand recognition







Decrease to £12 /event due to reuse of assets

Advertising software through makerspaces and the channels they use such as their newsletters, Slack, Discord, and other such channels

Posters were hung in Bluegarage makerspace, but only 6 responses were obtained in 2 weeks [Fig 6]

Bluegarage have already added a feature in their newsletter [Fig 5]

Hardware is Hard has expressed willingness to do so [Fig 7]

In talks with the COO of ScaleSpace for a feature in their newsletter too

£6 transport for total journey

£20 for printing visual assets and brochures

£26 /makerspace

Next steps

Reach out and record response rates to newsletter signups

Ask Bluegarage and Hardware is Hard to provide feedback

Different posters have different URLs for A/B testing, so that data will be analysed

Community events



Expected customer traction

Costs (excl. salary)

5 /event

50 companies at event

x 50% are relevant

x 44% interested to demo

x 44% purchase

No significant increase expected due to similar nature of each event run





Decrease to £312 /event due to reuse of assets and sharing venue booking cost between co-sponsors in Y3

Partnering with hardware startups or consultancies to run events

Talks/keynotes/panels with key stakeholders

Matt Stedman from Hard Stuff is currently in discussion with us to plan an “Industry 5.0 Fireside Chat” where Effio discusses the future of DFM with Autodesk and Kuka [Fig 8]

£1000 venue booking

£20 for printing visual assets and brochures

£1020 /event

Next steps

Prepare materials for event with Hard Stuff

Contact Imperial Enterprise Lab to book room at a lower cost

Finding another co-host alongside Hard Stuff for an event



Costs likely to increase to £10,000+ while targetting influencers with higher follower count, but will obtain similar number of customers per pound spent

Influencer marketing



Expected customer traction

Costs (excl. salary)

5 /month

20 contacted

x 15% willing to lead sales

x 3000 followers

x 1% of viewers are customers with a need

x 6.1% purchase

Increase in number of customers proportional to increased number of followers of larger influencers targeted







Leveraging influencer’s communication channel (social media, reviews, blogs, etc) to promote the product for financial compensation

By reaching out to 20 influencers, 3 have replied and shown interest

Scotty Allen, having 1.9M subscribers, has shown interest in promoting us after we launch a commercial product [Fig 10]

£400 budget for LinkedIn influencers with >5k followers

£1200 /month

Next steps

As per learnings, supplement the current list of 20 influencers with more

Pay one LinkedIn influencer with 3000+ followers to promote Effio, analyse results

Use analysis results to plan future influencer marketing


Effio Financial Template


Founder-led sales

Based on current outreach success rate, 286 connected with in 1 week, 50 were from unique companies, 9 people responded

Expected around 10% will not be make the demo calls (conservative)

As per B2B SaaS conversion rates for demos:

As per website:

Assuming two founders attend 5 events per month, priced on average around £20 per event:


Averaged across 4 accelerators, CRL accelerator, Accelerate Cambridge, Future Worlds, and MedTech Superconnector, it appears that on average, there are 15 startups per accelerator, where on average 4 are relevant

As per standard B2B conversion figures:

London Zone 1-2 journey both ways:

Conservative estimate of printing brochures and A2 posters on campus


500+ members in Bluegarage’s newsletter (provided by Ana De Pellegrin, Community manager at Bluegarage), and 23 have visited the website from there

As per standard B2B conversion figures for becoming an interested lead on the website, and then converting based on demo booked from website:

London Zone 1-2 journey both ways:

Conservative estimate of printing A2 posters on campus

Influencer marketing

Based on results from current efforts, where 20 influencers were reached out to, 3 replies were received

LinkedIn influencers found had on average 3000 followers, with Kyle Shropshire having around that number

Based on preliminary searches of his followers, only 1% were found to be viable customers for Effio

Based on LinkedIn ad conversion rates:

Values approximated based on Instagram influencer pricing:

Community events

100+ people attended Hard Stuff’s Planet-friendly networking event. Assuming on average 2 people per company, there would be 50 companies

Given that people actively choose to come to such events based on their passion, this seems like a fair assumption

Assuming those interested in the demo is equivalent to converting a sales lead into an SQL, and then using live demo conversion rate:

Conservative, expensive room to book:

Conservative estimate of printing brochures and A2 posters on campus

Founder-led sales

Figure 1: Letter of Intent from Ben Thorpe

Figure 2: Bringing up Effio in an internal review



Figure 3: Director of Greenhouse willing to share material with cohort

Figure 4: CRL accelerator inviting to join their Demo day


Figure 5: Bluegarage agreeing to put Effio in their newsletter

Figure 7: Hardware is Hard indicating possibility of being included in letter

Figure 6: Poster placed in Bluegarage

Figure 8: Matt Stedman proposing an event with us (Hard Stuff)

Community events

Influencer marketing

Figure 9: Kyle Shropshire (LinkedIn Influencer) offering some parts for us to test on

Figure 10: Scotty Allen (1.9 M subcribers on YouTube) indicating that he will promote us after the launch of the commercial software